
The benefits system has changed. You may not know what you are entitled to or how to make claims.

Our specialist welfare officers and benefit assistants offer free advice to Link tenants and sharing owners.

Benefits  advice

We can help you understand the changes to  benefits  caused by welfare reforms, including advice on:

  • Social security and tax credits
  • Under-occupancy (bedroom tax)
  • Benefit cap  

Below are some of the benefits  we can help you with:

  • Universal Credit
  • Personal Independence Payments
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • Discretionary Housing Payments
  • Council Tax  Reduction
  • Scottish Welfare Fund
  • Tax Credits
  • Employment and Support  Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers  Allowance

Need help and advice?

If you need advice  or information, please call our Advice Service on 03451 400 100.


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