





Advice Services

If you experience a change in circumstances at any point during your tenancy, and you require advice or support, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us or relevant external organisations. 

As a C~urb Lettings tenant, you have access to Link’s Welfare Rights and Advice Services team which offers advice and support in areas including debt, money management, and benefits. If you would like to be referred to the Welfare Rights and Advice Services team, click here to complete an online enquiry form .  

Advice and support are also available from other national and local sources.    

We know sometimes managing your money can be a daunting task, but we are here to help .  

Link’s dedicated team of money and debt advice officers provides free, impartial, and confidential advice on how to manage your money and can support you to deal with your debts .    

The Money and Debt Advice Service has a great free  online budget planner which you can use to help make your money last longer .


More information  

For more information, factsheets, and tools visit the  National Debtline's website or moneyadvice.scot .  

The benefits system has changed. You may not know what you are entitled to or how to make claims.  

Our specialist Welfare Officers and Benefit Assistants offer free advice to C~urb Lettings tenants.  

We can help you understand the changes to benefits caused by welfare reforms, including advice on:  

  • Social security and tax credits  

  • Under-occupancy (bedroom tax)  

  • Benefit cap    


Below are some of the benefits we can help you with:  

  • Universal Credit  

  • Personal Independence Payments  

  • Disability Living Allowance  

  • Housing Benefit  

  • Discretionary Housing Payments  

  • Council Tax Reduction  

  • Scottish Welfare Fund  

  • Tax Credits  

  • Employment and Support Allowance  

  • Income Support  

  • Job Seekers Allowance

Home Energy Scotland has an online Home Energy Check tool. They also offer a free, impartial service to support households to save energy, reduce carbon emissions and reduce fuel bills. 

We are a referring agency for Home Energy Scotland and the C~urb Lettings team will be happy to make a referral on your behalf if you think you could benefit from their services.  

There are also grants available to help clear fuel debts for those experiencing difficulty with their fuel bills. Our advice team will be happy to discuss this with you in more detail and help you apply if you are eligible. 

They can also help you understand your fuel bills and manage any fuel debt, finding out who your fuel supplier is and making sure you are on the cheapest tariff possible. The team can help you access energy related benefits and grants such as the Warm Home Discount and Winter Fuel Payment. 

Other organisations across Scotland offer advice and support which may be useful for you.  

Nationwide sources of support


What they can help with 

Advice and information on a variety of housing issues including housing costs and money help, renters’ rights and repairs. 

Resolving disputes relating to rent arrears, antisocial behaviour and other issues. 

Providing Crisis Grants or Community Care Grants for those on low incomes or in receipt of certain benefits. 

Help with living costs for those on low incomes. 

Discretionary Housing Payment (via local authority) 

Help with rent if you receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, but still can't afford your housing costs. 

Advice Direct Scotland 

Providing free, impartial advice to residents of Scotland on issues including debt, benefits, housing, employment, neighbourhood issues, family and 

relationships, consumer, energy and postal. 


Providing advice on saving energy in your home, issues with bills and suppliers, and financial support. 

Grants supporting families with children aged 0-18 who are vulnerable, come from disadvantaged backgrounds or are living with an illness or disability. 


A helpline for parents that can also support families who are in a financial crisis who need immediate support. They can provide advice on cash grants, debt and income, and help to understand the benefits and welfare system. 

Providing information about funding opportunities for families. 

Food bank finder to help locate your nearest foodbank. 

Contact us for help and advice  

Complete our online enquiry form for free, confidential and impartial advice.  

Click here