Tenant scrutiny panel

The Tenant Scrutiny Panel (TSP) helps us measure how well our services meet the standards and outcomes detailed in the Scottish Social Housing Charter (the Charter).

The Charter sets the outcomes which we are measured against by the Scottish Housing Regulator. Outcomes are the results we should achieve for tenants and other customers. We submit our performance in the Annual Report on the Charter (the ARC) and produce a report for tenants every year.

The TSP helps us focus on what tenants need and how to get the best service and value possible.

The panel most recently won the ‘Excellence in Scrutiny’ Award at the Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland Excellence Awards 2022.


The TSP is made up of tenant volunteers who meet regularly. We provide training, support, and travel expenses to help support their involvement.

  • Lloyd Hodkinson (Chairperson)
  • Christine Kyle (Vice Chairperson)
  • Lindsay Anderson
  • Dorothy McDougall
  • Roberto Sardelli
  • Lors Robinson-Moseley
  • George Waddell

Role and responsibility of the panel

The panel’s role and responsibility is to:

  • form an effective working partnership with the Link Group Board, the group leadership team, and staff
  • act independently and take an objective view of performance against service standards and Charter outcomes
  • increase tenant involvement and influence in decision-making
  • make recommendations for service improvement
  • report when performance falls below acceptable standards and also when service achievements exceed standards or expectations
  • record and evidence the impact of its work by demonstrating changes

The TSP has completed two scrutiny reports and made recommendations to the Board which resulted in changes to services and improved customers' experiences. The reports were on gas servicing, communication, asset planning, estate management, advice services, and reactive repairs.