Living in a PSL property
We ask that you act responsibly throughout your tenancy.
Your tenancy agreement, usually called a Short Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement (SSSTA), is a legal contract between you and the City of Edinburgh Council.
You are responsible for:
- Following all conditions detailed in your SSSTA
- Paying your rent on time
- Reporting any repairs
- Keeping the furnishings and property in good condition
- Making sure you, your family or visitors do not commit any form of anti-social behaviour in or around your PSL property
If you fail to adhere to any of the above we will take appropriate action. This may include legal action to end your tenancy.
You can find out more about your rights and responsibilities, as well as our responsibilities, in your PSL Tenant Handbook .
Anti-social behaviour
We take anti-social behaviour (ASB) very seriously and want to help stop it whenever we can.
ASB could be noisy neighbours, drug dealing, or people drinking on the street. It can also be untidy gardens, dog fouling or maybe you are being harassed or discriminated against.
You can read about how we deal with anti-social behaviour in your PSL Tenant Handbook .
You can report anti-social behaviour by calling 0330 303 0087 or the police on 101.
Change in circumstances
You must report any changes to your tenancy to Link and the City of Edinburgh Council's Revenues and Benefits Division as this may affect your Housing Benefit. This includes if someone is moving out, you want someone to move in or you want to transfer your tenancy.
You must also let us know if you plan to take up full-time or part-time education. This may also affect your entitlement to Housing Benefit.
Ending your tenancy
If you want to move out you must give us 28 days’ notice in writing.
You must make sure your home is left in good condition. We will carry out a pre-termination inspection to identify if any repairs or redecoration are necessary before you move out. If you don’t carry out these out before you move out, we will do the work and charge you.
If your property is left in excellent condition at the end of the tenancy you may be eligible for a £100 end of tenancy bonus.
More information
If you need any help or advice during your tenancy, please call us on 0330 303 0087. You can also complete our online enquiry form.