Safety and Compliance
As a responsible landlord, we w ant to ensure your home is safe, maintained to a high standard and complies with all relevant legislation including the Repairing Standard .
We have several responsibilities to make sure this happens, but you also play an important role in this as a tenant.
Landlords and tenants both have responsibilities regarding fire safety in homes and common areas . Information on fire safety is included at the bottom of this page and we advis e tenants to re view this .
Tenant responsibilities
As the tenant, you also play a role in ensuring your home is safe, well-maintained and compliant with legislation by:
Reporting any household and communal repairs to our repairs department in a timely fashion
Provid ing timely access to your home for safety checks an d repairs .
N ot overload ing electrical sockets .
Report ing suspected gas leaks to SGN on 0800 111 999 and C~urb Proper ty Ma intenance on 03451 400 100 immediately .
Regularly test ing smoke , heat and carbon monoxide detectors (weekly for smoke and heat detectors, monthly for carbon monoxide detectors) .
R egularly running all taps (including any external taps) to mitigate against the risk of legionella .
Not changing your boiler temperature to mitigate against the risk of legionella
Testing your Residual Current Device (RCD) regularly (every 6 months is recommended) - click here to view a video guide . A residual current device (RCD) is a safety device located on your consumer unit (fuse board) that is designed to pr o tect against electric shock and fire by turn ing off electricity automatically if there's an electrical fault.
Check ing white goods aren’t subject to product recalls – this includes appliances provided by C~urb as well as any of your own. Product recalls and safety notices can be viewed by clicking here .
Keep communal areas including landings and stairwells clear from obstructions .
Ventilate your home by opening your windows and utilising window trickle vents and extractor fans. This is important to prevent damp, mould and condensation. If you have a carbon dioxide detector in your home, monitor the reading regularly and if it displays an amber or red reading, open your windows and operate your extractor fans to ventilate the property. If the reading doesn’t come down, call our repairs team on 03451 400 100.